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Residential Closings

The “closing” is the last step in buying real estate. Once the closing (also called the “settlement”) date is set, we prepare and/or gather all the legal documents to complete the transaction, have all documents signed and properly notarized, and collect and disburse the money involved in your transaction. Each document is in appropriate order making the process as rapid as possible, which saves you time and resources. Closing papers contain substantial information, but all important to the final procedure of the buying process. Closings may seem daunting and stressful, but they don’t have to be. We have all things in place so that it is as stress-free as possible. The final closing is the most significant part of purchasing real estate, finalizing your purchase, so it is crucial to be well-informed and prepared. With our expertise and guidance, you can get through the closing process and on your way to ownership.

Whether you are new to purchasing real estate or have gone through the process more than once, we guarantee to get you through each step. Any and all questions will be answered along the way. Our priority is to offer our services in a timely and professional manner, ensuring that all residential contracts and closings are well-understood and completed with no confusion to the buyer. The closing will not be complete until all documents are signed. The purchase agreement placed by the buyer and seller will be reviewed and gone over prior to final signatures being collected. Final closing costs (previously set by the lender and agreed to by both the lender and buyer) will ensure the transferring of ownership to the buyer. Copies of all closing documents will be disbursed to the buyer upon receipt of signatures. This final step will set you up for completion in your buying process. Sonoran Desert Title Agency is a local, family owned, family run company, trusted by the community for 30 years. Let us help get you there.

Title Insurance

Title insurance protects real estate owners and lenders against any property loss or damage they might experience because of liens, encumbrances or defects in the title to the property. Unlike traditional insurance which protects you from any future circumstances, title insurance protects you from any problems (major or minor) that may be associated with the property in the past or present. Some issues are not found right away despite thorough searching, so title insurance is an important factor in the buying process. Until your loan is paid off title insurance protects the lender’s assets. So, having this title insurance protects both the property buyer and the mortgage lender.

We offer you the opportunity to acquire the proper title insurance for your real estate purchase. Title insurance ensures protection in the instance that any issues arise during the sale process. It also keeps you safe in your rights to ownership of your property. There are a few steps to obtaining title insurance, and we can help you. Requesting title insurance and discovering any issues with the property are good first steps. We will set up all policies and paperwork, making it easy and doable to get your title insurance set in place. When you get ready to close on your property it is a good idea to go over your title insurance policy and make sure things are set in place for you as the buyer, and also for your home lender. It may seem like a never-ending list of tasks is piling up when purchasing real estate, but all play a part in getting you to successfully owning your property. Any real estate purchase is a big one and is often the largest investment someone will make in their life, so proper title insurance is an important factor in protecting your property.

Our Services
Our Services
Title Searches

A title search is the process whereby the ownership and claims on a piece of real property are evaluated before a transaction can take place. In order for most real estate transactions to occur, its title must be found to be clean – i.e. free of liens, back taxes, or other claims. Here at Sonoran Desert Title Agency we can help you get started on your property’s title search. We can provide you with the resources needed to get you started on retrieving all documents and information about your piece of property. Title searches allow you to find all records of your property as well as what rights you have to that property and whether or not the current title is applicable upon purchasing your real estate.

For those who have not done title searches in the past or who are new to buying real estate, we can guide you through the steps and process of getting all title searches completed, which is an important step in the completion of any real estate purchase. We can help set up site inspections and complete all past tax searches, getting you on your way to closing. Depending on how old the property is title searches can be rather lengthy, going back several years, which can make the process seem monotonous and time-consuming. On top of the usual stresses that come with purchasing real estate, title searches can add to what seems to be an ever growing list of tasks. As with the other crucial steps in completing your purchase, we offer the help needed to complete this task as well. While working with you to carry some of the load we can provide a professional and helpful solution to achieving the completion of the title search. We will be there on your behalf to support each step of the home-buying process.

Escrow Services

We serve as an independent third-party escrow agent to securely handle all funds and documents involved in your transaction. Using Sonoran Desert Title Agency for your closing and escrow services helps make your transaction safer by protecting both the buyer’s and seller’s assets until both parties have met their obligations stated in their agreement. Being in escrow means being between the time of making an offer and the final closing of your home. We will set up escrow for you to ensure that your investment is protected. This allows for safe and smooth transactions between the buyer and the lender. Being in escrow guarantees that your property and funds are protected while you finish up all other conditions and aspects of your purchase. Escrow occurs when both the buyer and lender have come to an agreement on all finances.

We as a third party safeguard your funds while the purchase process is being completed. We make sure that the escrow procedure is complete, leading into the next steps, including title insurance and closing. Our goal is to provide you, as well as our community as a whole, with a level of expertise and knowledge we would want for our own family. With over 30 years experience in the real estate and title industry, we are available to offer friendly and professional advice and answer all questions regarding your real estate purchase. We like to be a cushion of support and of both knowledgeable and professional resources for our customers, allowing for comfortable and stress-free buying. We try to make new buyers feel comfortable and give them an understanding of the process. Ideally, we want to serve you, and we will get you through all steps of homebuying with no mistakes, reaching the goal of closing with comfort and confidence in your purchase.

Our Services

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